KHOA<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/td>\n | NG\u00c0NH<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n |
Khoa V\u0103n H\u1ecdc<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- V\u0103n h\u1ecdc Trung Qu\u1ed1c (Department of Chinese Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- L\u1ecbch s\u1eed (Department of History)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Tri\u1ebft h\u1ecdc (Philosophy Department)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Ngh\u1ec7 Thu\u1eadt<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- \u00c2m nh\u1ea1c (Department of Music Science)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ngh\u1ec7 thu\u1eadt \u1ee9ng d\u1ee5ng (Department of Applied Arts)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ki\u1ebfn tr\u00fac c\u1ea3nh quan (Department of Landscape Architecture)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Truy\u1ec1n Th\u00f4ng\u00a0<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- Truy\u1ec1n th\u00f4ng h\u00ecnh \u1ea3nh (Department of Image Communication)<\/span><\/li>\n
- B\u00e1o ch\u00ed v\u00e0 truy\u1ec1n th\u00f4ng (Department of Journalism and Communication)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Qu\u1ea3ng c\u00e1o v\u00e0 truy\u1ec1n th\u00f4ng (Department of Advertising Communication)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Vi\u1ec7n truy\u1ec1n th\u00f4ng \u0111\u1ea1i ch\u00fang (Institute of Mass Communication)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa S\u01b0 Ph\u1ea1m<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- Gi\u00e1o d\u1ee5c th\u1ec3 ch\u1ea5t (Department of Physical Education)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Th\u01b0 vi\u1ec7n v\u00e0 th\u00f4ng tin (Department of Library and Information Science)<\/span><\/li>\n
- C\u1eed nh\u00e2n gi\u00e1o d\u1ee5c v\u1ec1 l\u00e3nh \u0111\u1ea1o gi\u00e1o d\u1ee5c v\u00e0 ph\u00e1t tri\u1ec3n c\u00f4ng ngh\u1ec7 (Bachelor\u2019s degree in Education Leadership and Science and Technology Development)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Y<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- Y t\u1ebf c\u00f4ng c\u1ed9ng (Department of Public Health)<\/span><\/li>\n
- T\u00e2m l\u00fd h\u1ecdc l\u00e2m s\u00e0ng (Department of Clinical Psychology)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Khoa H\u1ecdc K\u1ef9 Thu\u1eadt<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- To\u00e1n (Department of Mathematics)<\/span><\/li>\n
- V\u1eadt l\u00fd (Department of Physics)<\/span><\/li>\n
- H\u00f3a (Department of Chemistry)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Khoa h\u1ecdc \u0110\u1eddi s\u1ed1ng (Department of Life Sciences)<\/span><\/li>\n
- K\u1ef9 thu\u1eadt Th\u00f4ng tin (Department of Information Engineering)<\/span><\/li>\n
- K\u1ef9 thu\u1eadt \u0111i\u1ec7n (Department of Electrical Engineering)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ch\u01b0\u01a1ng tr\u00ecnh ti\u1ebfn s\u0129, vi\u1ec7n khoa h\u1ecdc v\u00e0 k\u1ef9 thu\u1eadt \u1ee9ng d\u1ee5ng (Ph.D. class at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Engineering)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Ngo\u1ea1i Ng\u1eef<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- V\u0103n h\u1ecdc Anh (Department of English Chinese Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ng\u00f4n ng\u1eef v\u00e0 v\u0103n h\u1ecdc \u0110\u1ee9c (Department of German Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ng\u00f4n ng\u1eef v\u00e0 v\u0103n h\u1ecdc Trung Qu\u1ed1c (Department of Chinese Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- V\u0103n h\u1ecdc T\u00e2y Ban Nha (Department of Spanish Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ng\u00f4n ng\u1eef Nh\u1eadt (Department of Japanese Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ng\u00f4n ng\u1eef v\u00e0 v\u0103n h\u1ecdc \u00dd (Department of Italian Literature)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Vi\u1ec7n li\u00ean v\u0103n h\u00f3a (Cross. Cultural Institute)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Sinh Th\u00e1i<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- Nghi\u00ean c\u1ee9u tr\u1ebb em v\u00e0 gia \u0111\u00ecnh (Department of Children and Family Studies, Institute)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Qu\u1ea3n l\u00fd nh\u00e0 h\u00e0ng, kh\u00e1ch s\u1ea1n (Department of Food Brigade Management, Institute)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Khoa h\u1ecdc th\u1ef1c ph\u1ea9m (Department of Food Science)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Khoa h\u1ecdc dinh d\u01b0\u1ee1ng (Department of Nutritional Sciences)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ti\u1ebfn s\u0129 dinh d\u01b0\u1ee1ng (Ph.D. program in food nutrition)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Lu\u1eadt<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- Lu\u1eadt t\u00e0i ch\u00ednh v\u00e0 kinh t\u1ebf (Department of Financial Law, Institute)\u00a0<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Khoa H\u1ecdc X\u00e3 H\u1ed9i<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- X\u00e3 h\u1ed9i h\u1ecdc (Department of Sociology)<\/span><\/li>\n
- C\u00f4ng t\u00e1c x\u00e3 h\u1ed9i (Department of Social work)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Kinh t\u1ebf (Department of Economics)<\/span><\/li>\n
- T\u00f4n gi\u00e1o (Department of Religion Study)<\/span><\/li>\n
- T\u00e2m l\u00fd (Department of Psychology)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ch\u01b0\u01a1ng tr\u00ecnh c\u1ea5p b\u1eb1ng c\u1eed nh\u00e2n C\u00f4ng gi\u00e1o (A bachelor\u2019s degree in Catholic studies)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Qu\u1ea3n L\u00fd<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- Qu\u1ea3n tr\u1ecb kinh doanh (Department of Business Administration )<\/span><\/li>\n
- K\u1ebf to\u00e1n (Department of Accounting )<\/span><\/li>\n
- C\u1ee5c th\u1ed1ng k\u00ea v\u00e0 th\u00f4ng tin \u2013 C\u1eed nh\u00e2n, Th\u1ed1ng k\u00ea \u1ee9ng d\u1ee5ng, th\u1ea1c s\u0129 (Department of Statistics and Information Science )<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ph\u00f2ng T\u00e0i ch\u00ednh v\u00e0 kinh doanh Qu\u1ed1c t\u1ebf (Department of Finance and International Business )<\/span><\/li>\n
- Khoa qu\u1ea3n l\u00fd th\u00f4ng tin (Department of Information Management )<\/span><\/li>\n
- Vi\u1ec7n nghi\u00ean c\u1ee9u kinh doanh (Institute of Business Studies (Bo)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Th\u1ea1c s\u0129 kinh doanh trong doanh nghi\u1ec7p x\u00e3 h\u1ed9i (Master\u2019s degree program in social enterprise (MSE, Shoichi)<\/span><\/li>\n
- C\u1eed nh\u00e2n qu\u1ea3n tr\u1ecb kinh doanh (Bachelor of Business Administration)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Khoa Th\u1eddi Trang<\/span><\/td>\n | \n\n- H\u1ecdc vi\u00ean nghi\u00ean c\u1ee9u b\u1ea3o tang (Department of Textiles and Clothing)<\/span><\/li>\n
- Ch\u01b0\u01a1ng tr\u00ecnh th\u1ea1c s\u0129 v\u1ec1 qu\u1ea3n l\u00fd th\u01b0\u01a1ng hi\u1ec7u v\u00e0 th\u1eddi trang (MA Program in Brand and Management)<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n